Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas) in Greensboro

Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Greensboro

Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas is usually given before dental procedures to help patients relieve anxiety and give a pleasant experience.

The gas is administered by placing the apparatus over your nose to inhale it. The effects are mild, and you will be conscious (awake) during the procedure but will feel calmer and more relaxed during the dental procedures.

The effects wear off as soon as the apparatus is removed and you stop inhaling the gas. It is a safe and effective method that can make a huge difference between a stressful dental visit to a more comfortable one.

We offer this at our office to help our highly anxious patients get a better experience whilst their appointments.

Who can get Nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide benefits individuals of all ages who has high anxiety or discomfort during dental procedures. It is suitable for all ages and a safe option as opposed to complete sedation. However, it is essential to inform our team about your medical history, medications, allergies and any fears to ensure your safety during the procedure.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Greensboro

The Nitrous Oxide Process

The process of administering nitrous oxide is straightforward and non-invasive:

  • Mask Placement
    The process begins with the gentle placement of a soft and comfortable mask over your nose. This specialized mask is designed to administer a precise mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, ensuring you receive the right balance for relaxation. The gas mixture can be adjusted as needed during the procedure to maintain your comfort.
  • Breathing Normally
    You will be instructed to breathe normally through your nose. This allows you to inhale the nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture, initiating the sedative effect. The onset of relaxation is quick, and the level of sedation can be tailored to meet your individual needs within moments.
  • Sensations
    During the procedure, you may begin to experience light-headedness or tingling sensations in your arms and legs. Some patients describe these sensations as feeling slightly heavy or floaty. These effects are entirely normal and indicate that the nitrous oxide is taking effect. Despite these sensations, you should feel calm, relaxed, and comfortable.
  • Quick Reversal
    One of the significant advantages of nitrous oxide is its rapid reversal time. As soon as the mask is removed, the inhalation of nitrous oxide ceases, and its effects start to wear off almost immediately. This quick reversal time means that, unlike some other forms of sedation, you should be safe to drive home or return to work after your appointment. However, it's always a good practice to listen to your body and take it easy for a while.
  • Enhanced Comfort
    By providing a comfortable and anxiety-free dental experience, nitrous oxide helps patients maintain their oral health without fear or discomfort. It is one of the many strategies employed by Dr. Mirza to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction.

Note from Dr. Mirza

Nitrous oxide is an excellent tool for helping people receive the dental care they need without the stress and anxiety that can sometimes accompany these visits. However, it’s important to communicate openly about your medical history and any current medications, as certain conditions may be contraindications for the use of nitrous oxide.

With the use of nitrous oxide, dental treatments don’t have to be a source of stress. With the right approach, individuals can receive the oral care they need comfortably and stress-free.
Feel free to talk to Dr. Mirza and her team about any concerns regarding this option and we will glad to assist you.